Uploading Photos

You’ve joined this site to share your photos. In this article we will walk you through the steps to upload your photos to the site.

To upload your photos, you need to first visit your “Album” tab. You can do this easiest by selecting “My Account -> Album -> Upload Picture” from the bull down menus at the top of the screen.

Once there, you will upload one photo at a time using the screen below. Click on “Choose File,” and select the file you wish to upload. Choose “Public” visibility (No one except pack members will be able to see these photos). and click the “Upload Picture” button.

Now you can change a few things about your picture. You can change the title from the name your camera gave it  “IMG_3051.JPG” to something more descriptive, like “Teddy Building  a Marshmallow Gun.” If you need more description of your picture, you can add as much text as you need in the “Picture Description” field. Again, make sure the visibility is set to “Public” and if you want others to be able to comment on your picture, “Enable” the activity and comments. Click “Save” and your picture is uploaded.

Now that your picture is uploaded, you will get this last screen. You can also get back here by clicking on your photo from any other screen in the system. Arrows that superimpose over the right or the left of the photo take you forwards and backwards through your chosen photo album. Links at the bottom take you back to the Edit screen above, or let you delete the photo from the system.

Finally, for all photos, you can use the links at the bottom of the screen to “Favorite” or “Comment” on anyone’s photo.

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