Free Money!

Do you work for a large company? Do you want the hours you spend volunteering to be turned into cash that Council can use to pay for upgrades to the camps, camperships to support low income scouts, and pay for the staff that supports us? Do you want council not to beg for Friends of Scouting donations at our Blue & Gold Banquet?

It’s not free, but if you’ve been helping this year and if your company has a Dollars for Doers program, you can make all this come true! More than 200 of the Fortune 500 companies have Dollars for Doers programs, including companies like Covanta, DuPont, IBM, Merck, and Siemens.

Take the attached document to your HR department and ask them how you can enroll. Hurry, because many programs close on December 1st.

Dollars for Doers overview (PDF)

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